Rob Hunter's room for ideas

How a political radio show host preps his talking points

An interview with Rob Hunter about his home in Phoenix, Arizona.

Watch or listen to the full Homelife for Extraordinary Impact interview on all major podcast platforms and YouTube.

You can also read his written responses below but first…

“I'm a radio broadcaster and communications coach living in Phoenix, Arizona in my first home with my wife, Amy. I talk about news and politics for a living as well as helping people build confidence through communication, by focusing on your internal voice and emotions, as well as how to best present yourself when communicating with others.”

Rob Hunter

Connect with Rob Hunter on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, LinkedIn, Twitter, and his website.

What are some of the places that have most felt like home for you?

I've lived in 6 states and three of them have felt like home. Massachusetts, where I was born and raised, New Orleans between 2003-05, and now Phoenix (moved here in 2007).

Paint a picture of a home walkthrough for us. You arrive home and what…

We bought an older home because of location. The house, built in 1960, is in a cool Phoenix neighborhood where all the houses are a little different. The appeal though is the mountain preserve backyard. The house is in a constant state of repair due to age, but we love our views. Behind us there is nothing but mountain.

Our home is cozy. My wife has designed most of it and she's done a spectacular job. It's a 3 bedroom house (one guest room, one office), about 1640 square feet. Most of my at home time is spend in our sitting room. The sitting room is where we watch TV, where I create, and where I think.

I never thought I would care about homeownership, until we bought this house. It changed my perspective on having a calming spot. A place filled with creativity (my wife started her own business here), warmth, and many, many conversations.

What do you see as the link between your professional expertise and home?

Great question. There's a certain energy or vibe in this house we believe we have inherited from the original owner. After she passed away the house was bought by her nephew, then us.

There were traces of Miss B (as the neighbors call her) and she had funky designs. We do our best to embrace that and keep a little of her spirit in the house.

I bring that up because we love this neighborhood, house, and city. Tying those things together creates this amazing space that serves as a retreat, sanctuary, and creative space. So I feel the connection I have to this house and location is meant to be in a way. As in this is the perfect place for us.

When home is going really great, what does it look like and feel like? How do you feel?

When all is well everything is in flow.

I don't know how else to describe it other than to say it just feels right. This house combined with the way Amy has designed it puts me at ease, which is the key to creation.

What are important daily, weekly, or otherwise regular rhythms important for you to keep a great homelife?

Home has to be a sanctuary. So that always has to be a priority, especially when things are wild at work. For me, as long as I have my thinking and creating spot, I'm in good shape. There can be chaos around me, but in this spot is where I find my rhythm.

So that's a priority, finding your favorite spot, a spot that allows you to just be. Most days I spent time in my spot which is the most important part of my total home life (outside of my wife that is).

What's one thing you do or unique hack that helps you in homelife?

Ideally, at least one free weekend day at home. I can relax. I can write. Or paint. I enjoy having that space so I can have a little freedom.

The raw interview got more specific. Thanks again to Rob for the interview!

I hope you enjoyed this free article.

In the coming days, premium subscribers will also receive a full analysis of the raw interview. Get that quick-read writeup which includes:

  • My commentary after cross-referencing this interview & other findings

  • 3 actionable ways you can apply fresh insights to your home

  • Standout themes & inspiring takeaways

Until next time,

– Matt Barrios

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